Friday, February 25, 2011

Husband Makes Me Wear Girdles

"Magic of Life & Cream of leek for" A decent contest "The Elves & The

Magic Life

In a field I saw an acorn:
seemed so dead, useless.
And in the spring I saw the acorn
put down roots and rise,
young oak at the sun.
A miracle, you could say
yet this miracle occurs
thousand thousands of times
sleep each autumn
and passion of every spring.
Why should not occur
in the human heart?

(Kahlil Gibran)

In this post my modest contribution to an important initiative that aims to support the project for peaple ILLA - APE Onlus. E 'vital information and sensitization on women a painful disease little known but very common: endometriosis. Only through proper nutrition you can control the pain and the onset of inflammation. In that regard, I participate a lot willingly to the "Contest respectable" Sunflower8 of a contest worthy of recipes dedicated to all women affected by endometriosis.

Cream of leek and chives
with peas

Ingredients for two
Two leeks, a potato to thicken, 150 grams of peas and chives to taste, salt, olive oil, vegetable broth.
Thinly slice leeks and potatoes, transfer the mixture into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, add salt, chives and vegetable stock, enough to finish cooking, cook over medium heat. In the meantime, boil the peas. When cooked, blend the mixture of leeks, directly in the pot with an immersion blender, until creamy. Put it back on the fire for a few minutes, add the cooked peas and, if it is too thick, add a little 'vegetable broth. Serve, sprinkling with a little olive oil.

Bon appétit!



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