For every fashion week is always the same history blogs and sites full of photos, videos, press releases and reviews
that look like with the stencil , because of what I usually fall asleep in the second row.
The fact remains that I follow all the fashion show in streaming, without having to read useless platitudes and deducting my personal considerations.
What I deduced from this fashion week New Yorker?
New York is trying to give himself a allure, a prestigious, a name that can be compared ai fashion show europei.
Quest'anno hanno cercato di fare le cose in grande: enorme bombardamento mediatico, sponsor, strutture adatte e non più tendoni e la zarina della moda presente a tutti i fashion show degli stilisti statunitensi, da lei tanto amati e promossi.
Moda americana in cerca di fioritura e in cerca di gloria e fama come quella francese e italiana.
Sono anni che ci provano.
E per me non ci sono ancora riusciti.
Molti brand USA non hanno nemmeno distibuzione europea o italiana, e non perchè non ci siano canali, ma manca l'interesse dei buyers.
The sales figures, budgets and placing on the market (with minor exceptions) of those who are paraded in NW FW indirectly proportional to the great fanfare that it tries to generate any New York event.
Despite media brainwashing of due subjection and "say yes " always, I find that there is little to cheer against the heroes of that parade Wintour.
The Tsarina should enjoy a pleasant stay in Milan this year.
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