Resoconto settimana di mobilitazione gennaio 2011
week for the Abolition of Meat
Report of the initiatives in Italy
[Inglese version below]
30 initiatives have taken place in 28 Italian cities who responded to the Coordinating Committee for the Abolition of Meat, in week 24 to 30 January 2011 (the Turin event will take place Sunday, February 20), in addition to events organized in France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, England, Bolivia, USA Japan .
Encouraging membership of vegetarians and vegans took to the streets to publicly demand the abolition of livestock farming, hunting and fishing to 100 people in Milan, Pordenone
to 50, dozens of activists in Rome, Bologna, Bari ..
The protesters have set up symbolic representations of high-impact theatrical performances the slaughter of animals "farm", the performance of the prison farms, videos and spread the cries of the victims of slaughterhouses. In some cities, have been offered to passers-packs of "human flesh", to show how the silence on this daily massacre is based only on membership of the victims of a species other than human, and a category is not able to defend themselves . Vegetarians and vegans do not stop so the spread of food habits and consumption that respect the non-human creatures, but they have specifically asked, speaking of the abolition of meat, milk, eggs, the end of this daily massacre.
were distributed thousands of leaflets and materials on the abolition of farms (available here ).
The full reports of the various Italian events, with photos and video of the participants are available on blog of National Coordination Committee for the Abolition of Meat .
photos received so far are published on the album disponibili qui .
Altre foto sono disponibili nei rispettivi eventi creati su facebook.
Chi ha immagini o filmati non pubblicati, può inviarli alla casella
I resoconti e le foto delle iniziative estere saranno disponibili sul sito .
Ricordiamo che il presidio di Torino si svolgerà domenica 20 febbraio , dalle 14.30 alle 19.30, in via Garibaldi 1 (ang. Piazza Castello) - (contatto:
Nel ringraziare tutt* gli/le attivist* per l'ottima riuscita dell'iniziativa, ricordiamo che le settimane di mobilitazione sono ora 3 all’anno. Il prossimo appuntamento è quindi:
23-29 MAGGIO 2011
Invitiamo quindi i gruppi che hanno organizzato le iniziative locali a contattarci per segnalare la propria disponibilità, fiduciosi che altre città si aggiungeranno alla lista.
Coordinamento Italiano per l'Abolizione della Carne
[English Version]
World Week for the Abolition of Meat – A report from Italy
28 towns answered the call for action for the Abolition of Meat, planning events on January 30-31, with 30 events.
An extraordinarily large number of veg*ans participated by demonstrating against farming, hunting and fishing: 100 persons in Milan, 50 in Pordenone, dozens in Rome, Bologna, Bari...
The activists created effective happenings: performances about animal’s slaughter, about reclusion in farms, video from slaughters. In some cities, activists offered people “human meat” packets. Veg*ans didn’t just spread ethical food practices: they openly claim, speaking about meat abolition, the end of the ongoing slaughter!
We handed out thousands of flyers and texts about meat abolition (available here: ).
Complete reports with photos and videos from each town will be available at (photo gallery here:
The Italian Network for the Abolition of Meat wishes to thank all the activists for their contribution and hopes to see them soon.
We are happy to inform that the next week for the Abolition of Meat is planning on May 23-29!
We will publish details about the planned events soon.
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