Friday, January 21, 2011

When Does Silver City Open

Le botteghe del Ponte Vecchio & i filetti di pangasio in umido con fagioli cannellini

The Ponte Vecchio, the oldest and most beloved bridges in Florence, dating back Roman crosses the Arno at its narrowest point of its course, in the heart of the city. Completely destroyed by a flood in 1333, was rebuilt in its present form in 1345. E 'consists of three arches and a passage along which, winding two craft stalls, characterized by closed windows and thick wooden doors, built with their back room cantilevered over the Arno and supported by brackets (or "sports" ). In 1565, the architect Giorgio Vasari realized, over the shops to the east, on the left side, the Vasari Corridor, about one kilometer long in order to allow communication between Palazzo Vecchio, the seat of political and administrative power, with the Palazzo Pitti The private residence of the Medici family. In the workshops, initially carried out their activities butchers, fishmongers and tanners, later, to prevent malodorous effluvia from reaching the windows of the Vasari Corridor in 1593, the Grand Duke Ferdinando I ordered that the shops would become the exclusive venue of jewelers, goldsmiths and silversmiths.


catfish fillets stewed

with cannellini beans

400 g of catfish fillets to taste, extra virgin olive oil, 1 small red onion, chopped parsley to taste, 1 glass of dry sparkling wine, salt, black pepper, red pepper, 400 grams of boiled beans, tomato sauce to taste.
Put the fillets to cook in una casseruola antiaderente insieme a 4/5 cucchiai di olio evo, un trito di cipolla e prezzemolo, sale, pepe nero, peperoncino tritato qb. A metà cottura irrorate con lo spumante secco, fate evaporare e aggiungete i fagioli cannellini lessati e qualche cucchiaio di passata di pomodoro, Terminate la cottura facendo insaporire il tutto.
Con questa ricetta partecipo al bellissimo contest di Valerio

Bon appétit!



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