Monday, January 31, 2011

Is It Bad For Diastolic To Be Close To Systolic

Inspirations from the web: this is not a regular post

Post non sense ormai abituale.
Fotografie e accostamenti sublimi dal web.
Alla faccia di Charles Baudelaire che sosteneva che " l'industria fotografica..rifugio di tutti i pittori mancati, maldotati o troppo pigri per completare i loro studi...".

sources photos chitopia & streetfsn

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Vocabulary Workshop Level E Unit 10

Un'iniziativa per dire "Ora basta!" & La rosticciana di maiale alla griglia con contorno di porci... ni!

I thank the dear friends Norma and Kemi for inviting me to participate in this initiative taken to protect the dignity, trampled several times, for us women! Adhere with great pleasure because it's time to say ORA BASTA!


Grilled pork ribs
with a side of ourselves ... ni!

Rosticciana di maiale, sale, pepe nero, olio, aceto rosso, funghi porcini surgelati, aglio, prezzemolo, nepitella.
Preparazione della rosticciana
Ponete la rosticciana a marinare nell'aceto per un'ora, sgocciolatela e infilzatela nello spiedo. Salatela, pepatela e irroratela con olio estravergine poi mettetela a cuocere sulla griglia ben calda, man mano che la girate, mantenetela morbida ungendola con un'emulsione a base di olio e aceto.
Preparazione dei funghi porcini
In a pan pour oil along with chopped garlic and parsley, add the mushrooms into pieces and season with salt, black pepper and catmint (herb sublime!). Cook if necessary adding water or broth. Serve as an accompaniment to roasted on e. ..

Bon appétit!


Friday, January 28, 2011

Maybelline Dream Matteswatch

the reason I do adversely Sozzani

critical reading of the last morning of post Sozzani has left me pleasantly surprised.
Yes, I read that right, a few fashion bloggers mifacciosolofoto-parlosolodimodamanonnesonulla
-masonounafashionicon - has been able to write two a line.
When I saw this I realized that the situation was tragic . Nothing matches
newspapers (I start to have seizures outifit when I read, sorry) but the composition of little thoughts from fifth grade. The
Sozzani must have shaken their knowledges or many ladies have felt stung.
I think the most difficult step, and the most truthful, was this:

"I do not have points of view, but they speak for themselves only / ie photographing clothes absurd.
What is the point? "And I do not even know who they are, aside from a few / a, why are so many and all the same, and so caught up in changing clothes to get noticed, which automatically to my eyes get a group and not individuals. "
In my head, I reviewed un'infinta fantozziana standing ovation after liberating " The battleship is a Potionkin shit crazy. "
visceral expression comes after the vision and torture of what was, for the use of media culture, a spectacle without meaning.

Here's this morning for Sozzani has felt this way: they gave off a loud voice and said what he thought of months.
There are bloggers and there are freaks.
And, being the 'Italy a country known for its extreme and marked meritocracy, of course prevail gli ultimi,
che pare infestino eventi e sfilate come le cavallette e siano considerati quanto una velina in un summit di ingegneria genetica.
Questo ci dice la Sozzani.
Io l'appoggio, mi piace questa linea di pensiero, di voler selezionare, capire e non di non idolatrare e farne un fenomeno di costume.
Mi rimane solo un dubbio.
Ma il suo caro Bryanboy?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ct Stonogram Indications

Il bellissimo premio di Graziella & Le clementine sotto spirito

watercolor This is the stunning graphics that I was assigned as a reward, the dearest friend Graziella , on the occasion of my winnings by participating in its first blog candy ! Many compliments to Graziella, talented artist and author of this wonderful work!
Clementines in alcohol

Clementines, citrus wonderful, made the crossing of orange and tangerine, mandarin oranges are a variety of highly prized for their flesh seedless and very juicy! Here is a quick and easy method to prepare them in spirit!
Clementine taste, prepared fruit in alcohol liquor to taste, half glass of anise liqueur, 2 tablespoons sugar (optional).
Peel clementines and private of their cuticle, cut it into slices and arrange them in a pint container capacity. Pour the appropriate preparation liquor by adding half a glass of anise liqueur, the brim of the container, submerging the slices. If you want to get a sweeter taste, incorporate two teaspoons of sugar. Roteate Close the lid and the container, so as to enable the two to mix liquors. Do not open before 30 days. In the pictures you can see the spirits that I have used: sweet fruit liqueur in gouache and aniseed liqueur.
With this recipe I participate in the contest "Citrus" by Cynthia


Truck Under Seat Subwoofers

Some spring 2011 trends

Friday, January 21, 2011

When Does Silver City Open

Le botteghe del Ponte Vecchio & i filetti di pangasio in umido con fagioli cannellini

The Ponte Vecchio, the oldest and most beloved bridges in Florence, dating back Roman crosses the Arno at its narrowest point of its course, in the heart of the city. Completely destroyed by a flood in 1333, was rebuilt in its present form in 1345. E 'consists of three arches and a passage along which, winding two craft stalls, characterized by closed windows and thick wooden doors, built with their back room cantilevered over the Arno and supported by brackets (or "sports" ). In 1565, the architect Giorgio Vasari realized, over the shops to the east, on the left side, the Vasari Corridor, about one kilometer long in order to allow communication between Palazzo Vecchio, the seat of political and administrative power, with the Palazzo Pitti The private residence of the Medici family. In the workshops, initially carried out their activities butchers, fishmongers and tanners, later, to prevent malodorous effluvia from reaching the windows of the Vasari Corridor in 1593, the Grand Duke Ferdinando I ordered that the shops would become the exclusive venue of jewelers, goldsmiths and silversmiths.


catfish fillets stewed

with cannellini beans

400 g of catfish fillets to taste, extra virgin olive oil, 1 small red onion, chopped parsley to taste, 1 glass of dry sparkling wine, salt, black pepper, red pepper, 400 grams of boiled beans, tomato sauce to taste.
Put the fillets to cook in una casseruola antiaderente insieme a 4/5 cucchiai di olio evo, un trito di cipolla e prezzemolo, sale, pepe nero, peperoncino tritato qb. A metà cottura irrorate con lo spumante secco, fate evaporare e aggiungete i fagioli cannellini lessati e qualche cucchiaio di passata di pomodoro, Terminate la cottura facendo insaporire il tutto.
Con questa ricetta partecipo al bellissimo contest di Valerio

Bon appétit!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Old English Johnson Bros Dinner Set

Il libretto del concerto & i cuoricini di frolla alle mandorle con cioccolato fondente e pinoli

The Christmas Concert


Images are taken from the booklet of the Christmas Concert which was held last December 22 at the Teatro della Pergola in Florence. It 'been a very challenging and exciting evening for me, because, as I wrote in a previous post, I am part of a choir and, more specifically, the Choir Caricentro - Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, which was esibito, insieme ai Cameristi del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, con musiche di Haendel, Mozart, Vivaldi, Gruber e Adam.


Il Coro

Cuoricini di frolla alle mandorle

con cioccolato fondente e pinoli

Ingredienti per la pasta
80 g butter, 5 / 6 tablespoons sugar, 1 egg, 190 gr of flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, a tablespoon of milk, 20/25 grams of finely ground almonds.
For decoration
dark chocolate and pine nuts to taste.

Preparation Mix all ingredients until mixture is soft but workable. With a rolling pin roll out the dough on a floured surface and with the special molds, produced the hearts, brush them with beaten egg and decorate with melted chocolate and pine nuts. Place them on a plate lined with baking paper and bake in oven at 180 degrees for about fifteen minutes.

Bon appétit!
