Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Make Someone's Life


Dear readers welcome!

Come promesso vi pubblico in " ESCLUSIVA " solo per Voi Blogger Extreme
il testo integrale  presentato il gorno 09 novembre 2010
alla riunione svoltasi nella sala consilire del Comune di Gualdo Tadino.

Il progetto era già stato sottoscritto dai motoclub a.s.d Extreme e M.C Gualdo e
poi acquisito a protocollo ed ufficializzato come linea guida della riunione.

Sotto in seguito troverete tutto il testo così come presentato.
Spero sia di vostro gradimento.

by Luky extreme




The Enduro is a sport rich with history and charm, where they are put into play physical and human virtues of hard work among pilots, mud and sweat through nature and pristine unexplored. The Italian fans and the drivers always have to date shown great ability in sports around the world with great success in this specialty motorcycle ...

Gualdo Tadino hatched between her children and then great men, who love this sport so that the people embedded in its culture the enduro, motocross, and not least the trial. Who does not remember the Capodacqua motocross track, which hosted many championships and has weaned many kids with dreams of two wheels fastened.

Since the late 60's to today's fans have multiplied exponentially while, in response to the unconditional freedom of the frantic man in the developing world, has been squeezed and stressed to the point that, quite rightly, have taken strict measures. Today unfortunately it is perceived that this sport is a threat to our nature.

Why 'the people have changed their minds about this sport? Where you left off the thread which was used to live lovingly with nature?

Let's stop and look around.


Nature is now being attacked man in many ways and so now happily trying to repair the damage to protect and preserve for future generations.
It seems that the enduro and trials represent a risk factor for our nature and its Gualdese. The fans of the sport today reached a significant number of visitors compared to the past.

behavior of motorcyclists have always followed a set of rules and values \u200b\u200bof life marked by the respect of his native land and fellow citizens, passing by the old to the young verbally. Today, unfortunately, even if the motorcycle associations continue the tradition e cercano di indottrinare le nuove leve con gli stessi valori che hanno preservato la continuità di questo sport, ci troviamo ad essere additati come persone che tengono comportamenti scorretti, dannosi ed incompatibili verso la natura e la popolazione.
Rumori assordanti, disturbo della quiete, segni a volte indelebili nei prati, fossati scavati, sentieri solcati profondamente.

Dove è finito l'appassionato motociclista rispettoso del monte e della gente ?

La perdita di valori umani e civili di pochissimi frequentatori maleducati stanno trascinando Today in the dock accused of indiscriminately fans centaurs, accused of vandalism by a population consisting of the prosecutor and judge in accordance with the law by the authorities.

The documents, unfortunately, people who attend the mountains have thick outer discontent is almost always the most attentive and respectful to riders that they also feel indignant immediate need to intervene.

The result of all this is the BAN TO PERFORM FREE TRIAL AND ENDURO.


Oggi noi appassionati, sportivi ed associazioni sportive a motore dobbiamo assolutamente unirci per un unico scopo: quello di far rivalutare il nostro sport alla Comunità ripresentandolo sotto una veste nuova potendo incastrare tutti ”I TASSELLI AL POSTO GIUSTO”, individuando e riabilitando immediatamente i così detti “ CANI SCIOLTI” che con i loro scellerati comportamenti minano l'immagine collettiva dei motociclisti onesti e soprattutto il nostro amato territorio.

must immediately implement in order to restore the balance between the parties prior to the emergence of signs of irreversible or unnecessary conflicts which would cause discomfort to most of the community and the disappearance of satisfaction sport full of emotions .


Develop and agree with all of the district sports associations motorcycle Gualdese a SINGLE CODE OF CONDUCT OF BIKER .
    Create a
    from among the members of the ASM in order to organize the meetings which have as their sole purpose is to discuss and then resolve the problems inherent in the sport of motorcycle territory.
The new writing and the same members of the ASM must sign and accept the entire regulation after removal.
Each member must resume and / or report incorrect attitudes in people.

Some rules of the Unified Code of Practice on the motorcycle

  • Rispetta sempre la natura.
  • Percorri zone dove sei stato autorizzato.
  • Indossa sempre i colori e lo stemma della tua A.S.M. per essere facilmente riconosciuto.
  • Prima di uscire controlla che la tua moto sia in regola.
  • Divertiti e rispetta le altre persone che, come te, sono appassionate della montagna.
  • I percorsi non sono piste dove correre a tutto gas. ( il tempo devi farlo in gara).
  • Always look where you put the wheels.
  • not escape if someone calls you.
  • slows and / or turn off your engine in the presence of animals.
  • Slow down and says hello when you meet someone.
  • Restore points as necessary to keep them longer for you and for others.
  • E 'your duty and obligation to report people who implement behavior.


The rider must be aware of the areas can be covered in motion and restricted areas for geological and natural bond order of not causing harm to nature and enjoy without incurring sanctions from the authorities.

To achieve this fundamental objective of the Sports Associations Motorcycle must perform the following actions:

  • Buy le mappe delle zone libere dal vincolo idrogeologico e naturale.
  • Acquisite le mappe delle zone dagli Enti preposti, si potrà procedere alla creazione di nuovi percorsi e sentieri.
  • I percorsi dovranno esseri creati in comune accordo tra le A.S.M., per evitare che si proceda di iniziativa propria, con la visione ultima e decisiva delle Autorità.
  • Segnalare prontamente passaggi danneggiati, buche troppo profonde o qualsiasi altro problema che creerebbe pericolo per il motociclista.
  • Sarà cura ASM of providing for the restoration of the area.
  • reported to the authorities responsible for any problems in the defined area.
  • The marker used for events and the races must use the logo of the ASM and must be removed in the following days.
  • The ASM must come to know in advance in case of visits by foreigners accompanied by a member or members. If there are damages assessed will be held responsible for the passenger exit.
sports associations motorcycle

  • publicize the new rules to all riders possibly even those not associated with explaining the advantage of being associated .
  • Report to the competent authorities who is behaving in a non-standard.
  • prior notice to the ASM of the territory bordering the new rules attached and routes authorized.
  • Send the calendar of events taking place throughout the year to the authorities.
  • Supervise and train members of its ASM, rules of conduct and, if there were the conditions, correct or remove any elements that violate the new rules.
  • The ASM annually produce a list of riders to the Authority members.
  • is made available, upon request of the authorities, staff associations for rescue, search people in bad areas, to natural disasters.

Sarebbe fondamentale avere in gestione una palestra di allenamento alleggerendo così di molto il traffico nei boschi.

Le A.S.M si impegnerebbero a tenere in ordine e pulito la palestra di allenamento e segnalare qualsiasi eventuale abuso. La struttura sarà utilizzata solamente dagli associati.
Con la gestione di questa palestra, si creerebbe un luogo di incontro e di svago per i giovani piloti, così da tenerli il più lontano possibile da fonti di disagio minorile quali droga, noia e vandalismo favorendo così un vivaio di futuri campioni che darebbero lustro the city.


the words and promises described above can be seen that this sort of motor sport in our area is now in the hands of motion club and its success will be proportional to the commitment and passion used.
If the authorities should take action, more or less severe, we would not want for a few careless people pay for the consequences all riders honest.

Today we are aware of problem and we emphasize the fact that they are tired of paying for a few wicked and change all the words with everybody pays for their mistakes. In so doing these fake fans will be limited and re-educated, our territory and preserve the enduro and trial saved.


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