Thursday, December 23, 2010

Catchy Dry Cleaning Slogans

Settimana Mondiale 24-30 gennaio 2011

week for the Abolition of Meat - from 24 to 30 January 2011
(international call)

[ vd. List of events in Italy in ]

Le passate edizioni delle giornate per l'abolizione della carne sono state un incoraggiante successo. Consci dell'importanza di tale rivendicazione, abbiamo deciso di organizzare queste giornate con cadenza più regolare. A partire dall'ultima settimana di settembre 2010, esse hanno luogo nella settimana dell'ultimo sabato di gennaio, maggio e settembre. La prossima mobilitazione è dunque prevista per il periodo dal 24 al 30 gennaio 2011.

Nelle precedenti giornate si sono svolti vari eventi in oltre 50 città dei seguenti paesi: Belgio, Bolivia, Brasile, Francia, Germania, Inghilterra, India, Irlanda, Italia, Portogallo, Sudafrica, Svizzera, U.S.A..

thank all individuals and groups who have made their voices heard for the cause of oppressed animals and shouted that our society should abolish the killing of animals for food! It 'really important for us to see that the same day people in various places in the world carry on the same political demand: stop the extermination of animals .

We believe it is time to publicly demand the abolition of meat. Of course, this request should not be valid only 3 weeks a year, but should grow with the accumulation of events locally, nationally and internationally.

It 'also a time to unite our forces and make più evidente possibile la sofferenza animale. Ed è tempo di dichiarare l'obiettivo che deve essere finalmente discusso socialmente senza alcun tabù: l 'abolizione dell'allevamento, della caccia e della pesca.

Auspichiamo che aumentino le singole azioni ed i paesi aderenti, e che tali crescano in determinazione, immaginazione e visibilità.

Se state progettando un evento, segnalatelo e mandate il resoconto a contact(at) (english) o a abolizionecarne(at) (italiano) per la pubblicazione.
I materiali per i presidi sono disponibili qui:
E' You can also download the materials here zipped

The list of scheduled events in Italy will be published and updated on this page and on facebook page.

Detail appointments in Italy:

Alexandria - January 29
Corso Roma 15-20 hours (under the arches)
Contact: EticoEtica -

Bari - 29 January at 17 - 20:30
Via Sparano - isolated from Piazza Umberto Piazza Moro (near the McDonald's)
Contact: Vegan Puglia - puglia_veg.ana @

Biella - January 29 from 10am
Italy Via S. Marta corner P.zza
Contact: @ psy.love1

Bologna - 29 January at 45 Independence 14-19.30

Bologna - Pets Italian
place January 30 to define

Brescia - 29 January at 18-21
c / o McDonald's - Local Shops "Campo Grande" -
Contact: Collective Isa Brescia -

Cagliari - 29 January at 17-20
Via Garibaldi - shop front BEAUTY LINE

Carrara (And other cities ) - January 29 to 30 events organized by

Chiavari (GE) - January 29, at 10-19
Piazza Matteotti
Contact: Asst Ayusya - ass.ayusya @

Civitanova Marche (MC) - January 29 at the Civitacenter
15-20 hours, by Gronkowski (exit A14)

Ferrara - 29 January 10-18 hours
c / o IperCoop "The Castle", Via G. Negri, 7
Contact: FerraraVeg -

Genoa - 29 January at 14.30-19
Via XX Settembre, angolo via Vernazza
Contatti: (Andrea Argenton) - (Norma Karaman)

Grosseto - 30 gennaio Carducci (di fronte al comune) - banchetto, proiezioni video, distribuzione materiale e cibo vegan
Contatti: Associazione D'idee 3281544997 (Paolo)

Latina - 29 e 30 gennaio ore 10-20
portici ang. Corso della Repubblica / Via E.di Savoia
Contatti: Vegan Città di Latina -

Lecce - 30 gennaio ore 10.30-13
Presidio informativo in Corte dei Cicala
Contatti: Veganimalisti -

Milan - January 30, from 16 to 20
garrison in hand Mercanti Pzza Pzza Cathedral

Olbia - 29 January at 17.30-20
Via Cesare Pavese - Front Rotary Auchan

Padova - January 29, 15-18
Banquet information, videos, vegan tasting - Piazza delle Erbe
In contemporary Workshop and projection "Earthlings" at Tagliovivo store, via A. Gritti 6
Contact: facebook - PADOVA group ANIMAL

Parma - January 29, 15:30 to 17:30 hours
c / o McDonalds Eurotorri - garrison with an exhibition on the farm
Contact: Animals Freedom Parma -

Pisa - 28 gennaio ore 20.30
Cena vegan presso il Centro "I Passi" Via Galliani 1, Pisa
CAVIA - Coordinamento Veg* in azione di Pisa
Contatti (prenotazione obbligatoria): Maria Tel. 3332175545

Pordenone - 30 Gennaio 2011 dalle 15 alle 19 in Piazzetta Cavour
Contatti: -

Reggio Calabria - 23 gennaio ore 21
cena sociale c/o Random Music Club (Via Possidonea)

Roma - 29 gennaio ore 14-19
via del Corso - L.go dei Lombardi

Rome - 26 and January 28
leafleting the area Portuense (osp entry. Forlanini, 26 / 1) and La Sapienza University entrance (28 / 1)

Rovigo - January 29 16.30-18 hours around Piazza Vittorio Emanuele


San Remo (IM) - 22 and January 23
Corso Matteotti street corner Escoffier

Taranto - January 29
17-21 hours via Di Palma (between Central Square and Via Immacolata M. Pupino)
Contact: Stephen and Minnie 3283385058 3288296162

Torino - date to be decided (February) 14:30 to 19:30
via Garibaldi 1 angolo piazza Castello

Trento - 29 gennaio ore 10.30 - 19.30
Via Oss Mazzurana (angolo via Oriola)

Varese - 29 gennaio ora e luogo da definire
banchetto informativo

Sostieni il Movimento per l’abolizione della carne
Se il vostro gruppo, associazione o collettivo decide di sostenere esplicitamente il Movimento per l’Abolizione della Carne, siete pregati di inviarci il vostro logo e l’indirizzo del vostro sito web, che verranno aggiunti alla lista pubblicata sul nostro sito.
Ne guadagneremo sia in visibilità that credibility.

To participate in the international debate: (discussion list)
E 'can also subscribe to the list for discussion and organization in French
http://fr.groups / group / abolitiongroup /

International / English: .com / group / meatabolition
English: / wiki / FAQSP


Le origini del movimento in Francia.
Il tema dell’abolizione della carne è stato discussa per la prima volta nell’agosto 2005 all’interno delle Estivales de la question animale :
La discussione è proseguita su un blog personale:
e su una lista di discussione:
seguito nel 2007 da una lista simile in inglese :
brochure and "Abolish the viande":
or viande.pdf

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dongal For Sale Super Pro


Dear Pilot,

le Feste sono vicine e siccome tengo molto a te ho pensato di farti
un bel regalo.

Ho contattato in segreto i miei informatori  e gli ho
strappatto le notizie più scottanti e rilevanti del momento.

La trattativa è stata dura e complessa ma alla fine sono riuscito
a farmi dire ciò che mi interessava.

Cosa avrà mai scoperto? Ti starai chiedendo!

Sono venuto in possesso del calendario provvisorio delle gare del
Campionato Enduro UISP Regione Umbria 2011.

L'informazione mi è stata riferita da fonti molto attendibili.
Gli appuntamenti di seguito quoted are unofficial ,
but still will not be different significantly from those officers who
will be announced later.


Here is the schedule (provisional):

April 3 - MC Tignosi Donkey ("Maybe" Trophy also Italy)
April 10 - MC Fratta OffRoad
May 22 - MC Extreme
June 5 - MC Ponte S. Giovanni
June 26 - MC Panicale
3 Luglio     - MC Castiglion Fiorentino (Arezzo) 
                             ("Forse" anche Trofeo Italia)
Ultima prova -Da scegliere - la gara verrà organizzata 
                        Perhaps going along with the Regional Brands Treia.

've already made mind about possible local routes that you expect?
What setting do to your bike and what training will you follow?

After the break of the parties, including sparkling wine and panettone,
you will start to seriously because they lack
only about 125 days the first date.

Meanwhile Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Greetings

Luky Extreme

Thursday, December 16, 2010

White Dresses Initiation


Dear pilot
doing research on the internet I came across perhaps in a video
not bad, because it can be a guideline
to integrate into your training for the new season.

The title of the video makes us dream now the big event dell'Erzberg ...
then for the writing and the voice if you have good knowledge of German
otherwise .... just look at the figures ...

You think about what connection can there be with our races ...
well you say that you'll surely notice that the organizers
are entering inside the special stages
increasingly artificial barriers such as the stone, the pit with water and mud, logs
prepared in various ways. All

questo, secondo la mia idea, viene realizzato un pò per richiamare
alla mente le varie manifestazioni mondiali più famose, un pò verso
il piacere dell'enduro extremo e non per ultimo la possibilità di aumentare
lo spettacolo per il pubblico sempre più numeroso ed esperto.

Allora il video ti da le idee giuste su come allenarti per sorpassare con
più scioltezza i diversi ostacoli che ti si possono parare d'avanti,
acquisire equilibrio, maggiore sensibilità con la tua moto,
cambi di direzione, ecc.

Spero che questo post possa stuzzicare la tua curiosità di sperimentare
nuove tecniche da condividere poi con gli altri durante gli allenamenti e
then who knows in the future in our area will take place as events
the Romaniacs, the Hellgate ...

Greetings from Luky Extreme

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sample Floor Plan For Grannyflat

Una passeggiata con David & Fillets of plaice with sauce flavored with lemon

A walk with David

With programmed this post, hope you all, good weekend, see you soon!


In the month of November was held in Florence, "Florens 2010, a major initiative aimed at the promotion and enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage of the city. Among the many events dedicated to exhibitions, conferences, meetings and music, he marched through the streets, the imposing statue of David, a copy of Michelangelo's masterpiece in fiberglass, 5.7 meters high, which was placed in various points of the old town, including the courtyard of the Cathedral.


fillets of plaice
sauce flavored with lemon

4 fillets of plaice to taste, salt, black pepper, 1 egg, extra virgin olive oil, breadcrumbs, flour to taste, chopped parsley.
For the lemon sauce
3 glasses of milk, flour to thicken to taste, nutmeg, salt, black pepper, lemon juice.
Pass fillets in beaten egg and bread crumbs, place them in a nonstick saucepan and cook them with oil, season with salt and black pepper.
For the lemon sauce
In a saucepan, pour in the milk and add, dissolving, a few tablespoons of flour to thicken. Add salt and pepper and add a pinch of nutmeg. Put on the fire, stirring with a wooden spoon. When the sauce thickens, remove from heat and stir in the lemon juice in any quantity. Place fillets in a golden platter and cover with the sauce flavored with lemon.
With this recipe for the collection of Maetta

Bon appétit!


Friday, December 3, 2010

How To Fix Vintage Camera Shutter Buttons


The motofestival 2010 was celebrated as should last
November 28 and the protagonists of the 2010 Regional Championship UISP
were honored and applauded for their achievements and
quality motorcycle.

The event attracted some 250 people, including awards and
fans, who packed the basement of St. Benedict beautiful
the city of Gualdo Tadino.

Unfortunately the bad weather made it impossible
the appointment of the morning on the bike at a motocross Grello, but not in any way weakened the enthusiasm of the festival .

Below you can read the interview with Andrea Monacelli, vice president of the League motorcycle UISP Umbria, chairman of the Commission and President of ASD UISP Enduro Extreme ...

How did the bike festival 2010 and personal qualities have occurred?

"A well attended by all drivers and escorts in Umbria, who have seen this city for the Gualdo Tadino Mayor Roberto Morroni , the deputy mayor Erminio Fofi , the Councillor for Sport Fausto Cambiotti and finally the development Councillor Joseph Pompei .

For UISP was attended by the President Francesco Corsini alloy motorcycle, and his vice president that I Andrea Monacelli, makers of specialty motocross, enduro and minicross respectively Fausto Ferraldesci , I and Angeletti Marco in place to Paradisi Claudio ."
Quali sono stati i loro commenti a proposito della manifestazione?
"Il sindaco Morroni è rimasto da subito colpito dalla folta presenza di pubblico, ringraziando la  Lega Motociclicstica UISP per aver scelto la città di Gualdo Tadino sottolineando come questo sport riesca a convivere con la nostra natura e ad appasionare gran parte della popolazione.
L'assessore allo sport Fausto Cambiotti si è complimentato con le due societa' organizzatrici dell'evento, ASD and Extreme X-Power, for the business' sporting and social place in our territory.
were awarded by the League Uisp Motorcycle, the City Council intervened and the two chairmen of the respective motoclub Jury Giacometti and I . "

There were outstanding pilots of the 2010 season?

'E' was introduced and applauded Umbro our squad that won the region title 'strong team of Italy Trophy event organized regions in the town of Magione (PG).

The captain of the Umbrian Bazzurri Sergio has rewarded me and Francesco Corsini, technical managers of the team, highlighting our commitment dimostratogli important for achieving the objective.

Mauro Boccali The trophy for one year will remain 'in the hands of Cambiotti Paul, winner of Class 1 Elite.
Also noteworthy is the Moto Club Donkeys Tignosi who won the prize for best motorcycle club of the 2010 season. "
What are the promises for the 2011 season and the League UISP 's Extreme ASD?
"for 2011 is' too early to talk about, because at this time we weave the threads of the upcoming season is like that as UISP Extreme."

your conclusions and your thanks.
"In conclusion I would say that for what concerns the regional league we have good results on the presence of the riders in the race, and amazing to say the enduro.
I take this opportunity to thank all drivers and escorts for the trust placed in me and now historic, if not prehistoric figure of Francesco Corsini.

Finished all the championships we now we leaders to go flat out to prepare for a season that makes you enjoy . Good bike for everyone. "

Thanks Andrea for your help so exhaustive.
The conclusion of the 2010 season has been very positive and full of emotions. I do a great " good luck " for the 2011 season we certainly big surprises in store and events not to be missed.

A warm greeting

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Does Vsp Work At Lenscrafters

The Cave of Moses & the sauce with arugula and pine nuts

Cave Moses

Dear friends, as I explained in post from Saturday, November 27, this is a scheduled post. I hope you enjoy reading, see you soon!

In the sixteenth century Tuscany was all the rage beautify the gardens of stately homes with unique reconstructions of natural caves featuring stalactites caves that were extrapolated from actual revised Then, the artist's hands. A clear example is the Cave of Moses that is located in the courtyard of the central courtyard of Palazzo Pitti in Florence. The cave consists of an elliptical basin in which "swim" graceful marble putti. In the central part, behind the pond, there are the statue of Moses and the other four allegorical figures, placed in decorated niches, which are le Virtù del Principe: la Carità, l'Imperio, lo Zelo e la Legge. L'opera è completata da giochi d'acqua e decorazioni di pietre spugnose .


Salsa di rucola
con noci e pinoli

Rucola, olio evo, noci, pinoli, sale, pepe nero, peperoncino, grana padano, erba cipollina qb.
first electric chopper to chop the walnuts and pine nuts, then the arugula with a few teaspoons of chives. Transfer the mixture in a bowl and season with salt, black pepper, red pepper, a generous handful of parmesan cheese and extra virgin olive oil to taste. This sauce is excellent to season pasta dishes and very tasty if spread on slices of toasted bread.
With this recipe for the collection of Maetta

Bon appétit!


Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Fake A Ear Thermometer

Greetings friends blogger

Dear Friends, I regret not being able to go to find you immensely in your blog and say hello. In this period are very committed to the study of music for a Christmas concert, because I belong to, as a contralto, a barbershop. Despite my absence, my blog will still be updated with post PLANNED. Thank you for your friendship and, as soon as I can, I will turn to each of you.
virtually hug you with love! See you soon
*********** ****************

Friday, November 26, 2010

Mount And Blade Custom Colors

18/12 (Milano) - Fiaccolata per gli animali

Saturday, December 18, 2010 - Milan
Lantern animals sacrificed at Christmas

Video of the procession
Some photos

The Italian Coordination for the Abolition of Meat and invites adheres to participate in the march organized by LAV Animalisti Italians and non-profit Gaia . (See call below)

The Movement for the Abolition of Meat will be on the streets with a own banner, along with groups and individual activists to animals, to report the annual carnage that is consumed during the holiday season.

to distribute the flyer here.

We invite all those who have at heart the fate of the millions of victims to bring in unheard square their outrage, as this killing can not and must not pass over in silence!

remember that the initiatives for the abolition of meat, concentrated first in an annual day, are now extended to three weeks to mobilize international : the week before the last Saturday of January, May, September.
The next steps are then planned for the week 24 to 30 January 2011 (details to follow).

Italian Coordination for the Abolition of Meat


Lantern animals killed on the boards of Christmas

LAV , Animalisti Italian, Gaia Onlus Association invite all to attend the candlelight vigil will be held Saturday, December 18, 2010 through the streets of downtown Milan.

Thousands of animals sacrificed each day for food "triumph" on our tables during the holiday season. But those dishes are pain, suffering, injustice and death at a time should be devoted to reflection on peace, sharing, love and compassion.

You can honor the tradition of Christmas without inflicting suffering to other sentient beings and choosing a vegetarian or vegan does not alter the pleasure to share with family and friends time to party and hangout.
Why Christmas is a celebration of joy, not death.

The rally is in Porta Venezia at 16.00.
We invite everyone to participate and bring banners, brochures, signs and posters and spread the initiative.

The torches will be provided on site.

LAV Milan cell. 3276333693 Email: @ lav.milano
Animalisti Italian mob. 3478774019 Email:
Gaia Onlus cell. 3316439958 Email:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Brahmi Amla Oil Reviews

rural Colors & Abate pears covered in chocolate with chopped almonds Baileys

Images of a lonely country, with its beautiful colors and fragrances, dominated da alti cipressi e accarezzata da un debole sole!

Pere Abate
coperte di cioccolato al Baileys
con granella di mandorle

Per questa ricetta non sono previste dosi precise, regolatevi a vostro piacimento!
3 Abate pears, water as needed, vin santo to taste, sugar to taste. For the chocolate sauce: 2 cups half and cream, sugar and vanilla sugar in equal parts to taste, 60 grams of dark chocolate, cocoa powder to taste, 1 tablespoon of Baileys, flour to thicken to taste, chopped almonds.
Cook the pears in a mixture of water, vin santo and sugar, then let them cool. In a bowl pour the cream and add the chopped chocolate, granulated sugar and vanilla, cocoa and flour (about a tablespoon or two, to thicken). After mixing well, transferred il composto in un pentolino e tenete sul fuoco basso, girando nello stesso verso con un mestolo di legno. Quando il cioccolato inizierà ad addensarsi versate un cucchiaio di Baileys e continuate a girare fino al completo assorbimento. A fine cottura la salsa di cioccolato si dovrà presentare soda e compatta e, prima di utilizzarla, fatela raffreddare un po'. Ponete le pere nei piatti, se non stanno in piedi da sole, smussatele alla base con un coltello, spennellatele con la salsa di cioccolato e guarnitele con granella di mandorle.

Bon appétit!
