23/1/10 a Milano - Conferenza dibattito sull'abolizione della carne
Milano 23 gennaio 2010: due conferenze-dibattito
10.00-13.00 Abolire la carne
Six million sentient beings are killed worldwide every hour to be processed into meat, not even counting the massacre of fish and the suffering of cows and laying hens, recluses, exploited and finally killed at a young age.
worldwide, groups, collectives and associations have begun to mobilize to promote the prospect of the abolition of meat. Their purpose is not simply ask individuals to adopt a vegetarian diet (no meat or fish) or vegan (no animal products), but to say, before society, the practice of exploiting and murdering animals to eat to be abrogated by the adoption laws that forbid predation (hunting, fishing) and production (breeding) animals for human consumption. We spoke with Cécile
Bourgain, representative of the Association Vegetarian de France, and Yves Bonnardel, militant libertarian and egalitarian.
program interventions
- A short presentation of the movement for the abolition of meat, history initiatives.
- Cécile Bourgain: Abolish the meat is not a utopia
The reasons for not eating meat
Why talk about the abolition of the flesh rather than promote vegetarianism individual
Application dela political demand for the abolition of meat: the stages and objectives
- Yves Bonnardel: Carne ed emergenza climatica
Cosa c'entra la questione climatica
Il ruolo importante ma nascosto dell'allevamento nel riscaldamento climatico
Conclusione in forma di domanda: la questione del clima rappresenta una buona leva per dare visibilità all'allevamento e delegittimarlo?
- Dibattito con il pubblico
Per gli interventi in francese, verrà effettuata traduzione simultanea in italiano
15.00-19.00 «Femminismo e questione animale»
Numerosi elementi accomunano le donne e gli animali come oggetti di svilimento simbolico e sfruttamento materiale nella società patriarcale e specista: la riduzione della loro individualità their reproductive functions, or the unbridled consumption, physical and imaginary, of their bodies.
careful analysis of this link, using the contribution of feminist thought in some of its currents, can lead to a renewed vision of the condition of the animal and intra-specific relationships, as an alternative to current proposals for animal rights (veganism, Isa, animal liberation) men who betray their origin.
This analysis, combined with a growing political consciousness of women, can open a path independent of the content and actions of their animal rights activism. We spoke to Antonella
Corabi, Agnese Pignataro and Marco Reggio, founders of the project donnEanimali.
program interventions
- Presentation of draft donnEanimali
- Agnese Pignataro: Women and animals, from objects to subjects of oppression to liberation
- Women and animals, two historical and political categories
Why feminism should not fear the question of animals: the critique of traditional sociology
Because animal animal liberation must be open to the thought of women: a case of misogyny
Some problematic aspects of animal thought and animal Isa according to a feminist reading
Nature, Earth ... What is behind the feminization of non-human reality
Some feminist proposal to reformulate the animal question
- Marco Reggio: Feminism and Vegetarianism in Carol J. Adams: The Sexual Politcs of Meat
The animal and the woman as absent referent
feminist texts and vegetarian
Body and Vegetarianism: a feminist perspective
- Antonella Corabi: Females, animals and liabilities
Women and animals in the usual sense: the liability and the annihilation
Animals and women in the animal rights movement: the annihilation and liabilities
considerations The most common male
- Screening of a short video on feminism and animal question
- Discussion with the audience
The conference will be held at Chiamamilano
Lane Largo dei Servi 11 (Metro Line 1 and 3, stop "Duomo" or San Babila)
How to get Chiamamilano:
View Larger Map
From MM S. Babila, take Corso Europa , turn right at the third tunnel (after St. Charles Gallery)
From MM Duomo, take Corso Vittorio Emanuele, turn right into the gallery next to Galleria del Corso.
Info: 327 32 09085-333 18 41301
abolizionecarne@gmail.com - info@donneanimali.org
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Does A Sinus Infection Raise Your Blood Pressure
from 22 to 27 September 2009
turn off the television and open Home theater
Tickets: oil, wine, cheese ...
3rd edition
Design and Art Direction: Elena Guerrini
Organization: cultural association "Creative Creature"
turn off the television and open Home theater
Tickets: oil, wine, cheese ...
3rd edition
Design and Art Direction: Elena Guerrini
Organization: cultural association "Creative Creature"
Tuesday, September 22 at 21:30
"First lesson for gardeners gardening revolutionaries. "
" Second lesson in gardening for gardeners planetary "
of and Lorenza Zambon
A casa di Alessia Morini and Marco, Via F. Cavallotti, 18
Wednesday, September 23 at 21:30
"First steps on the moon"
and starring Andrea Cosentino
"Orti Insurgents"
by and with Elena Guerrini
Home Lorella and Raymond Marras, Via XX Settembre 113
Thursday, September 24 18:00
"No Pain No Brain"
Crop Circus
At Muretto
at 21.30
"Callisto and Babies"
Crop Circus
A house Emo Rossi Farms Montemerano
Venerdì 25 settembre ore 21.30
Venerdì 25 settembre ore 21.30
“Il signor Taddeo.”
Un poema di Adam Mickiewicz lettura di Ewa Benesz
ore 22.30
“ Mito e astrologia”
Songs and Andrea Arrighi
A house of Peter and Alessandra Binaghi, Via Roma, 40
Saturday, September 26 at 21:30
Saturday, September 26 at 21:30
"The coupling of fools"
of Joseph and Ciciriello
22 hours. 30
"Bella whole. My fat happy days "
by and with Elena Guerrini
Home of Aldo and Mietta cabbage, Costa Society, 5
Sunday, September 27 at 21:30
"Tiburzi the robber"
with Federico Magherini and Sarah Georg
Home Mazzieri Elena, Via XX Settembre, 97
info: tel. 338 2871854
info: tel. 338 2871854
bartering you learn.
Not so much to do without the money, already known to many exercise
because of the crisis, how to reflect on his actual valore.Migliorando maybe relationships with people.
From this insight, the director and actress Elena Guerrini has conceived and directed by three years the festival
TO LOST FROM 22 TO 27 September 2008
The only theater festival the world where you get to see the shows, theater and nature, drama and narrative of civil circus theater, paying a ticket in nature: in fact, for six days and left the house " vil money "and brings a liter of oil or a bottle of good wine or a piece of cheese or a jar of homemade jam as a ticket for the play that , anything original, you held in private homes, in yards and gardens , theaters of natural 'ancient village of Manchester, where from home also leads the chair or stool to recreate the old habit of waking Maremmana .
A theater "home made" which houses the great names of Italian theater
Contemporaneo:da Lorenza Zambon l'Attrice Giardiniera che ci farà la sua Prima lezione di giardinaggio per giardinieri rivoluzionari e Seconda lezione di giardinaggio per giardinieri planetari con riflessioni sull'ambiente e sul consumo di territorio,il 22 Settembre per l'apertura del festival ,ad Andrea Cosentino con I primi passi sulla luna ,
il 23 Settembre ,una gustosa anteprima del suo new show on the occasion of the fortieth dell'allunaggio.
to Elena Guerrini with its Gardens Insurgents , after the long tour to Reggio Emilia Bassano del Grappa in Taormina returns to his Maremma the well-known show produced only barter and preview Bella whole. My happy days fat: study on the global contemporary beauty, 23 and Sept. 26, to Joseph Ciciriello actor Puglia new revelation of the civic theater storytelling that with his hauling The fools , comic monologue dialect hours and sometimes grotesque folly brings to the stage, diversity, the tricks of the political class and the naivete of the characters in a small town in southern Italy.
Events valuable to an attentive, educated and popular
who tastes the theater like a good wine and great artists that will be hosted in the homes of the country who decide to come for an evening A VIGIL available to barter barter of words stories, landscapes and food. News of the festival is that there will be two major events Circus Theatre for young and old family circus Circus Crop , the amusing spectacle No Pain No Brain and The fabulous story of Callisto and Baby
we will go down in the atmosphere of a circus of the century,
in Manchester on September 24 afternoon and evening Farms Montemerano.
and new songs by Andrea Arrighi : Myth and astrology , September 25.
The closing night of the festival on September 27 will be devoted to
Alfio Cabbages the largest Maremma writer who died a year ago,
with the show based on his novel Tiburzi the robber , with Fred and Sara Magherini Georg.
A distinguished international presence and the festival to watch and the Polish actress Ewa Benesz, actress and student of Jerzy Grotowsky, which will conduct an intensive seminar on the practice for voice actors, since September 23 to 25, and will stage the reading of the poem by Adam Mickiewicz, considered the greatest author Dante of Poland, "Mr. Taddeo," September 25, for the first time in public after years of research and teaching work.
VIGIL TO THE FESTIVAL, now in its third edition, is made possible thanks to the valuable economic contribution of the City of Manchester and the participation of some local sponsors: Inn Laudomia, Pizzeria Ose, and Aurinia, BBC Saturnia, Enoteca La Torre in the Cellar "and is organized by Cultural Creative Creature.
Elena Guerrini : graduate of Dams was a student of Umberto Eco, Julian Scabia, and Gerardo Guccini, author and director of the company's historical actress Pippo Delbono ,
has worked in film and theater with Pupi Avati, Bertolucci, Pappi Corsica and
Alfonso Arau, wrote the book Orti Insurgents ed.Stampa alternative that gave the same name show and is the 'creator of the Festival "A Sleep, with whom he has rediscovered and revived an old custom of Maremma: the evenings" on waking ", indeed.
"The festival, he explains - is part of a redevelopment project of the historic centers of small towns and rural areas of the Maremma. in the informal relationship with the public. The Festival 'A wake' has proven to be acceptable to a diverse audience and the search for a symbiosis between nature and performance, enhancing memory and the memory of the peasant culture of rural life and a social fabric that is often forgotten. "
The figures of the first and second edition, which took place in previous years, are a sign of a great interest, a cultural movement, especially in small towns, which highlighted the desire, often underestimated, to compare con questo fondamentale linguaggio artistico. Il target di persone è colto e popolare allo stesso tempo: turisti e gente del posto, che si presentano con la sedia in mano e il “biglietto” in prodotti della terra:un modo per promuovere anche le produzioni tipiche locali fuori dai circuiti tradizionali.
Si tratta, inoltre, di un festival a basso costo e a basso impatto ambientale: le luci sono quelle di casa, non ci sono palchi né microfoni nè casse, ma la complicità delle persone che aprono le loro porte al teatro e spengono la televisione per una sera.
Oltre naturalmente alla generosità degli artisti, che rinunciano al chachet monetario, per riscuotere l’incasso della serata in olio, vino, formaggio e l’attenzione di un pubblico sincero e genuino con cui si fermano a parlare a lungo dopo lo spettacolo.”
Per interviste e contatti: 338 2871854
Friday, March 27, 2009
Gold Refining Houston
Saragat Vade Retro!
Eye evil eye parsley and fennel ... Te baptizo ego against the evil eye!
with chilli and a little insaleta ... It protects the dell'Incoroneta Madonna!
with chilli and a little insaleta ... It protects the dell'Incoroneta Madonna!
with oil, salt and vinegar ... It protects the Madonna of Sterpeto!
Horn of beef, milk scremeto ... Protect Carraiulu dall'Innomineto "
Horn of beef, milk scremeto ... Protect Carraiulu dall'Innomineto "
How Long Doesepididymis
ESPON (s pisari) PRO EO ...
Ce la fa...ce la fa...! NON CE LA FA!
Ormai è cosa certa: il Pontefice Massimo non sarà presente al cinquantenario della Vitaliano Lenguazza, costretto al letto e da febbri altissime (lui ha sempre un +1 rispetto alla temperatura segnata dal termometro, fino a punte di 69°C).
E noi tutti, Principi, Nobili e popolani, attendiamo con ansia che giungano buone novelle in queste ore funeree per il popolo turritano tutto; eh si, perchè temiamo che non arrivi a mangiare il panettone, se non per impedimento permanente, quanto meno per impossibilitata deglutizione visto che una settimana si e l'altra pure gli vengono le tonsille grosse e gonfie come i coglioni di un toro canadese.
Che la salute di Carraiolu fosse cagionevole come quella del fu antipapa Albino Luciani era cosa ben nota, tanto che i Conclavisti, causa una violentissima varicella che lo costrinse al letto nei giorni che volgevano al nuovo "habemus Papam", decisero di tenerlo fuori dai giochi per il Pontificato del 1969+39.
Ma il Vicario, riconfermato tale, riuscì questa volta a presentarsi sano al Nuovo Conclave fortificato da un amuleto speciale, che a dir Suo, l'avrebbe preservato da ogni male: il Santino di Santona, o per meglio dire di Boccione I° il Pio, donatogli all'interno di una sfera di fuoco da una non precisata cartomante, con tutta probabilità vicina parente del Principe Piripicchio.
Noi avevamo fortemente believed in the immense power of the esoteric talisman, but then having to think again, because now it is certain that Santino had a deadline, such as yogurt, dated March 1969 +40. It seems that
oltrettutto, a careful analysis by a 'team of doctors and the Barons who continue to bleed at this time, and monitor the clisterizzare Pontifex, it is not a common disease: in fact rejected the hypothesis of normal plates , having the Pontiff is by Noble Elder is one of Cape Town, is a unique, mystical and transcendent Diagnosis: Stigma question!
not likely to be extirpated tonsils and then donated as Holy Relic to be preserved in a glass case in the funny Office (Pio Petralcina did not in fact incomplete to dispel the sorrows of repentance) you just have to ask him to incessant prayers and hopeful thoughts so that the disease leave him and our Holy Mother Goliarda Give him relief and letting it get healthy all'incombente Apostolic Journey to Perugia.
Brethren, pray for him, tripling the strength of Santino's Boccione with these scapulars:
Che la salute di Carraiolu fosse cagionevole come quella del fu antipapa Albino Luciani era cosa ben nota, tanto che i Conclavisti, causa una violentissima varicella che lo costrinse al letto nei giorni che volgevano al nuovo "habemus Papam", decisero di tenerlo fuori dai giochi per il Pontificato del 1969+39.
Ma il Vicario, riconfermato tale, riuscì questa volta a presentarsi sano al Nuovo Conclave fortificato da un amuleto speciale, che a dir Suo, l'avrebbe preservato da ogni male: il Santino di Santona, o per meglio dire di Boccione I° il Pio, donatogli all'interno di una sfera di fuoco da una non precisata cartomante, con tutta probabilità vicina parente del Principe Piripicchio.
Noi avevamo fortemente believed in the immense power of the esoteric talisman, but then having to think again, because now it is certain that Santino had a deadline, such as yogurt, dated March 1969 +40. It seems that
oltrettutto, a careful analysis by a 'team of doctors and the Barons who continue to bleed at this time, and monitor the clisterizzare Pontifex, it is not a common disease: in fact rejected the hypothesis of normal plates , having the Pontiff is by Noble Elder is one of Cape Town, is a unique, mystical and transcendent Diagnosis: Stigma question!
not likely to be extirpated tonsils and then donated as Holy Relic to be preserved in a glass case in the funny Office (Pio Petralcina did not in fact incomplete to dispel the sorrows of repentance) you just have to ask him to incessant prayers and hopeful thoughts so that the disease leave him and our Holy Mother Goliarda Give him relief and letting it get healthy all'incombente Apostolic Journey to Perugia.
Brethren, pray for him, tripling the strength of Santino's Boccione with these scapulars:
Stampatene a copy and bring it with you during the weekend prior to the Mission in Perugia, and when you will come to honor Our Blessed Divinity, holding a rosary is not in hand, but FOR hand (having the same ethnic group will give force to your papal supplications, even better if provided with the entire bouquet of roses frozen) by writing to Carraiolu a devout thoughts in the hope that the stigmata disappear and can carry out the pastoral mission we all hope.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Monster Energy Drink And Sickle Cell
Vasa Andrea, better known stew, twenty-nine Goliarda, footballer, model and DJ life change because in reality-shop Dirk Bikkembergs will be heard more than a one Gattuso player C2: The new palace is a luxurious apartment of 300 square meters within the first flagship store of the designer Belgian.
It 's the first tenant of a house that is, in fact, one store located in Piazza Cavour in Milan.
It 's the first tenant of a house that is, in fact, one store located in Piazza Cavour in Milan.
If the experiment goes well, say they are better informed, Stew will be transferred to a new location in the Netherlands, located in the center of the capital, to promote the new line of underwear and plastic Minciotti Bikkembergs will launch the brand for spring / summer.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Response Of Invitation In Spanish
Resoconti della prima Giornata per l'Abolizione della Carne in Italia
The Italian Coordination thanks all those who participated and helped to organize efforts on the occasion of World Day for the Abolition of Meat January 31 in Bari, Caserta, Florence and Milan .
Here, the detailed reports from the cities. (If you wish to send pictures to publish, please write to abolizionecarne@gmail.com)
A fifteen Bari Puglia animal rights activists have joined the mobilization planning a leafleting, a table of information, a photo exhibition, cartels luminini funeral mourning with the numbers of animals sacrificed and viewing on a laptop video of what really happens in slaughterhouses in Europe.
Many leaflets and comprehensive material distributed, many people attracted by the projection of video and photographic exhibition that they stopped to learn more.
To be informed on the next steps and possibly contribute actively participating, you can visit the blog pugliavegana.wordpress.com .
A Caserta for the World Day was organized a screening of the documentary "Earthlings" and the video "A Life Connected", edited by Valley Vegan and Country AIP, which was attended by more than 30 people. The participants then took part in a debate on nutrition carnea and exploitation of nonhuman animals.
In Florence about 30 people gathered in Piazza del Mercato Nuovo for a garrison of Animals organized by Tosca. Following the report of a task.
Milan the organizing committee of the Veggie Pride 2009 chose to symbolize mourning for the daily slaughter of nonhuman animals with a garrison silent in Piazza Mercanti (Piazza Duomo ) garrison that - despite the cold - was attended by about 80 activists Lombard and Piedmont. were distributed over 1,000 flyers on the abolition of the flesh, as well as comprehensive material present at the banquet.
The reactions of several passersby, in this Saturday for shopping, have been a surprise and curiosity, because of the unusual choreography, sometimes militant solidarity with the victims and supply meat products, but also of disappointment or open criticism. We carry home, in a sense, the awareness has begun to express publicly and bluntly, with the demand for abolition of meat, our striving for a world without farms and slaughterhouses without.
The Italian Coordination thanks all those who participated and helped to organize efforts on the occasion of World Day for the Abolition of Meat January 31 in Bari, Caserta, Florence and Milan .
Here, the detailed reports from the cities. (If you wish to send pictures to publish, please write to abolizionecarne@gmail.com)
A fifteen Bari Puglia animal rights activists have joined the mobilization planning a leafleting, a table of information, a photo exhibition, cartels luminini funeral mourning with the numbers of animals sacrificed and viewing on a laptop video of what really happens in slaughterhouses in Europe.
Many leaflets and comprehensive material distributed, many people attracted by the projection of video and photographic exhibition that they stopped to learn more.
To be informed on the next steps and possibly contribute actively participating, you can visit the blog pugliavegana.wordpress.com .
A Caserta for the World Day was organized a screening of the documentary "Earthlings" and the video "A Life Connected", edited by Valley Vegan and Country AIP, which was attended by more than 30 people. The participants then took part in a debate on nutrition carnea and exploitation of nonhuman animals.
In Florence about 30 people gathered in Piazza del Mercato Nuovo for a garrison of Animals organized by Tosca. Following the report of a task.
"January 31, 2009 date of great importance in the history of the movement of awareness of what are the rights of animals.
first international day rally to abolish the food meat: produced since the killing of a living being whose fault is that of being born cow, pig, horse, sheep ...
Brushes, posters, balloons, matches and a lot of grief determination in the eyes of people like me who was there to remind passersby that six million sentient beings are killed in the world every hour! We were there, a spokesman for the suffering and injustice as MEAT = DEATH.
I wonder why only a minority can not connect the food meat with eyes, ears and legs of a living being?
Many people stopped and gave us reason, the other was intrigued, and looked certain to remove the images of violence done to a cow on a poster stretched up as if to remove, as if they wanted to hear, but we feel, we feel the screams of animals going to slaughter, we hear the cows calling their calves taken away, we feel the injustice against living beings like 150 years ago a minority felt the injustice done to men with a different skin color.
This event comes from feeling and not accepting shared an aberration, a strong NO exploding in dormant consciences and lazy and that when asked, "you know that meat is equal to death," they answer: "I this world I found so "!!!»
Milan the organizing committee of the Veggie Pride 2009 chose to symbolize mourning for the daily slaughter of nonhuman animals with a garrison silent in Piazza Mercanti (Piazza Duomo ) garrison that - despite the cold - was attended by about 80 activists Lombard and Piedmont. were distributed over 1,000 flyers on the abolition of the flesh, as well as comprehensive material present at the banquet.
The reactions of several passersby, in this Saturday for shopping, have been a surprise and curiosity, because of the unusual choreography, sometimes militant solidarity with the victims and supply meat products, but also of disappointment or open criticism. We carry home, in a sense, the awareness has begun to express publicly and bluntly, with the demand for abolition of meat, our striving for a world without farms and slaughterhouses without.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Pokemon Heart Gold Working Desmume
31 gennaio: appuntamento a Bari
Animals Puglia vegan adhere to the World Day for the Abolition of Meat.
The activists will be present at Bari Via Sparano (corner of Piazza Moro). Esporanno placards and distribute leaflets informing passersby about what is really what they call meat.
Contact Bari: lovecats_2008 [at] libero.it
Animals Puglia vegan adhere to the World Day for the Abolition of Meat.
The activists will be present at Bari Via Sparano (corner of Piazza Moro). Esporanno placards and distribute leaflets informing passersby about what is really what they call meat.
Contact Bari: lovecats_2008 [at] libero.it
Monday, January 26, 2009
Ultimate I Spy Blue Arrow In The Game Map
Aderiscono il 31 gennaio...
Bari (Italy)
From 14.00 to 19.00 in Via Sparano (height Moro Square) posters and flyers against meat held by militants based Puglia vegan.
Besançon (France)
From 15.00 to 17.00 in place Pasteur leafleting Isa organized by the Collectif de Besançon.
Birmingham (Great Britain)
Details to be confirmed.
Die (France)
From 8.00 to 21.00 in various places in the city: leafleting Diois organized by the Collectif pour l'Egalite.
Florence (Italy)
14.00, New Market Square: information stand and happenings, organized by the Tosca Animals.
Lille (France)
(exceptionally, the action will take place Feb. 7)
Information stand organized by the collective Vegnord .
Lione (Francia)
14.30, place de la République: volantinaggio organizzato da militanti di base.
19.30, ristorante «Couleurs des mets»: cena vegan organizzata dall'Association Végétarienne de France, preceduta da una presentazione del movimento per l'abolizione della carne.
Losanna (Svizzera)
Dalle 8.00 alle 18.00 in place St-François: azione «lutto» e stand informativo organizzati dal collettivo LausAnimaliste .
Lugano (Svizzera)
Luogo ed ora da precisare: stand informativo organizzato dal CDA (Centro di Documentazione Animalista).
Marseille (France)
From 11.00 to 13.00 in the Place Jean Jaurès: leaflets, organized by grassroots activists.
Mens (France)
From 9.00 to 13.00 in the Place du Marché: information stand and leaflets.
Metz (France)
From 10.30 to 17.00, at the foot of the column Merten: information booth, display photos, food pyramid, and organized by VegLorraine L214.
Milan (Italy)
From 15.00 to 19.00 in Piazza Duomo: happenings, information booth, a photographic exhibition, organized by the staff del Veggie Pride italiano
Millau - Aveyron (Francia)
Dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 in place du Mandarous: stand informativo.
Montpellier (Francia)
Dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 in place Paul Bec: stand informativo e happening organizzato dal CLAM .
Parigi (Francia)
Dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 davanti l'Opéra Bastille: raduno con stand informativo organizzato da CLEDA , Droits des Animaux , L214 ed altri.
Rennes (Francia)
15.30, Place de la République: happening «barquette de viande», organizzato con support de France Vegetarian Association and others.
Toulouse (France)
From 14.00 to 18.00 in front of the Virgin store: information stand, happenings, organized by leafleting Animal Amnesty .
Bari (Italy)
From 14.00 to 19.00 in Via Sparano (height Moro Square) posters and flyers against meat held by militants based Puglia vegan.
Besançon (France)
From 15.00 to 17.00 in place Pasteur leafleting Isa organized by the Collectif de Besançon.
Birmingham (Great Britain)
Details to be confirmed.
Die (France)
From 8.00 to 21.00 in various places in the city: leafleting Diois organized by the Collectif pour l'Egalite.
Florence (Italy)
14.00, New Market Square: information stand and happenings, organized by the Tosca Animals.
Lille (France)
(exceptionally, the action will take place Feb. 7)
Information stand organized by the collective Vegnord .
Lione (Francia)
14.30, place de la République: volantinaggio organizzato da militanti di base.
19.30, ristorante «Couleurs des mets»: cena vegan organizzata dall'Association Végétarienne de France, preceduta da una presentazione del movimento per l'abolizione della carne.
Losanna (Svizzera)
Dalle 8.00 alle 18.00 in place St-François: azione «lutto» e stand informativo organizzati dal collettivo LausAnimaliste .
Lugano (Svizzera)
Luogo ed ora da precisare: stand informativo organizzato dal CDA (Centro di Documentazione Animalista).
Marseille (France)
From 11.00 to 13.00 in the Place Jean Jaurès: leaflets, organized by grassroots activists.
Mens (France)
From 9.00 to 13.00 in the Place du Marché: information stand and leaflets.
Metz (France)
From 10.30 to 17.00, at the foot of the column Merten: information booth, display photos, food pyramid, and organized by VegLorraine L214.
Milan (Italy)
From 15.00 to 19.00 in Piazza Duomo: happenings, information booth, a photographic exhibition, organized by the staff del Veggie Pride italiano
Millau - Aveyron (Francia)
Dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 in place du Mandarous: stand informativo.
Montpellier (Francia)
Dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 in place Paul Bec: stand informativo e happening organizzato dal CLAM .
Parigi (Francia)
Dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 davanti l'Opéra Bastille: raduno con stand informativo organizzato da CLEDA , Droits des Animaux , L214 ed altri.
Rennes (Francia)
15.30, Place de la République: happening «barquette de viande», organizzato con support de France Vegetarian Association and others.
Toulouse (France)
From 14.00 to 18.00 in front of the Virgin store: information stand, happenings, organized by leafleting Animal Amnesty .
1961-1964 Lincoln Continental
31 gennaio: appuntamento a Firenze
In Florence there is a garrison during which information will embody the mourning for the slaughter of animals and the planet on the one hand, and the joy of choosing veg with information about the other.
Who wants to participate can choose which of the two issues are: dress in black and carried a placard that is meaningful for you in case of mourning. Wear colorful and whimsical and joyful and bring everything comes to mind for a party if you want to be the choice veg *.
We are starting at 14 in New Market Square. Florence
Contact: mobile: 349 5035863 ; mail: eva.melodia [at] gmail.com
In Florence there is a garrison during which information will embody the mourning for the slaughter of animals and the planet on the one hand, and the joy of choosing veg with information about the other.
Who wants to participate can choose which of the two issues are: dress in black and carried a placard that is meaningful for you in case of mourning. Wear colorful and whimsical and joyful and bring everything comes to mind for a party if you want to be the choice veg *.
We are starting at 14 in New Market Square. Florence
Contact: mobile: 349 5035863 ; mail: eva.melodia [at] gmail.com
Thursday, January 22, 2009
How Many Calories In Smithfield's Chichk 'n Bbq
31 gennaio: appuntamento a Milano
On the occasion of World Day for the Abolition of the flesh, there is a garrison informative in Milan during which action will be made for the abolition of meat inspired by what has been done by activists Swiss in 2007.
We are starting at 15 in Dome Square (near the equestrian statue).
the evening of Jan. 31 is expected a Milano (zona S.Agostino) una cena vegan organizzata dal collettivo Happyvegan. Informazioni e prenotazioni (entro il 21 gennaio) su happyvegan.org .
Contatto per Milano: cellulare: 327 3209085 ; mail: abolizionecarne[at]gmail.com .
On the occasion of World Day for the Abolition of the flesh, there is a garrison informative in Milan during which action will be made for the abolition of meat inspired by what has been done by activists Swiss in 2007.
We are starting at 15 in Dome Square (near the equestrian statue).
the evening of Jan. 31 is expected a Milano (zona S.Agostino) una cena vegan organizzata dal collettivo Happyvegan. Informazioni e prenotazioni (entro il 21 gennaio) su happyvegan.org .
Contatto per Milano: cellulare: 327 3209085 ; mail: abolizionecarne[at]gmail.com .
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