Monday, January 26, 2009

Ultimate I Spy Blue Arrow In The Game Map

Aderiscono il 31 gennaio...

Bari (Italy)

From 14.00 to 19.00 in Via Sparano (height Moro Square) posters and flyers against meat held by militants based Puglia vegan.

Besançon (France)
From 15.00 to 17.00 in place Pasteur leafleting Isa organized by the Collectif de Besançon.

Birmingham (Great Britain)
Details to be confirmed.

Die (France)
From 8.00 to 21.00 in various places in the city: leafleting Diois organized by the Collectif pour l'Egalite.

Florence (Italy)
14.00, New Market Square: information stand and happenings, organized by the Tosca Animals.

Lille (France)
(exceptionally, the action will take place Feb. 7)
Information stand organized by the collective Vegnord .

Lione (Francia)
14.30, place de la République: volantinaggio organizzato da militanti di base.
19.30, ristorante «Couleurs des mets»: cena vegan organizzata dall'Association Végétarienne de France, preceduta da una presentazione del movimento per l'abolizione della carne.

Losanna (Svizzera)
Dalle 8.00 alle 18.00 in place St-François: azione «lutto» e stand informativo organizzati dal collettivo LausAnimaliste .

Lugano (Svizzera)
Luogo ed ora da precisare: stand informativo organizzato dal CDA (Centro di Documentazione Animalista).

Marseille (France)
From 11.00 to 13.00 in the Place Jean Jaurès: leaflets, organized by grassroots activists.

Mens (France)
From 9.00 to 13.00 in the Place du Marché: information stand and leaflets.

Metz (France)
From 10.30 to 17.00, at the foot of the column Merten: information booth, display photos, food pyramid, and organized by VegLorraine L214.

Milan (Italy)
From 15.00 to 19.00 in Piazza Duomo: happenings, information booth, a photographic exhibition, organized by the staff del Veggie Pride italiano
Millau - Aveyron (Francia)
Dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 in place du Mandarous: stand informativo.

Montpellier (Francia)
Dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 in place Paul Bec: stand informativo e happening organizzato dal CLAM .

Parigi (Francia)
Dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 davanti l'Opéra Bastille: raduno con stand informativo organizzato da CLEDA , Droits des Animaux , L214 ed altri.

Rennes (Francia)
15.30, Place de la République: happening «barquette de viande», organizzato con support de France Vegetarian Association and others.

Toulouse (France)
From 14.00 to 18.00 in front of the Virgin store: information stand, happenings, organized by leafleting Animal Amnesty .


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