23/1/10 a Milano - Conferenza dibattito sull'abolizione della carne
Milano 23 gennaio 2010: due conferenze-dibattito
10.00-13.00 Abolire la carne
Six million sentient beings are killed worldwide every hour to be processed into meat, not even counting the massacre of fish and the suffering of cows and laying hens, recluses, exploited and finally killed at a young age.
worldwide, groups, collectives and associations have begun to mobilize to promote the prospect of the abolition of meat. Their purpose is not simply ask individuals to adopt a vegetarian diet (no meat or fish) or vegan (no animal products), but to say, before society, the practice of exploiting and murdering animals to eat to be abrogated by the adoption laws that forbid predation (hunting, fishing) and production (breeding) animals for human consumption. We spoke with Cécile
Bourgain, representative of the Association Vegetarian de France, and Yves Bonnardel, militant libertarian and egalitarian.
program interventions
- A short presentation of the movement for the abolition of meat, history initiatives.
- Cécile Bourgain: Abolish the meat is not a utopia
The reasons for not eating meat
Why talk about the abolition of the flesh rather than promote vegetarianism individual
Application dela political demand for the abolition of meat: the stages and objectives
- Yves Bonnardel: Carne ed emergenza climatica
Cosa c'entra la questione climatica
Il ruolo importante ma nascosto dell'allevamento nel riscaldamento climatico
Conclusione in forma di domanda: la questione del clima rappresenta una buona leva per dare visibilità all'allevamento e delegittimarlo?
- Dibattito con il pubblico
Per gli interventi in francese, verrà effettuata traduzione simultanea in italiano
15.00-19.00 «Femminismo e questione animale»
Numerosi elementi accomunano le donne e gli animali come oggetti di svilimento simbolico e sfruttamento materiale nella società patriarcale e specista: la riduzione della loro individualità their reproductive functions, or the unbridled consumption, physical and imaginary, of their bodies.
careful analysis of this link, using the contribution of feminist thought in some of its currents, can lead to a renewed vision of the condition of the animal and intra-specific relationships, as an alternative to current proposals for animal rights (veganism, Isa, animal liberation) men who betray their origin.
This analysis, combined with a growing political consciousness of women, can open a path independent of the content and actions of their animal rights activism. We spoke to Antonella
Corabi, Agnese Pignataro and Marco Reggio, founders of the project donnEanimali.
program interventions
- Presentation of draft donnEanimali
- Agnese Pignataro: Women and animals, from objects to subjects of oppression to liberation
- Women and animals, two historical and political categories
Why feminism should not fear the question of animals: the critique of traditional sociology
Because animal animal liberation must be open to the thought of women: a case of misogyny
Some problematic aspects of animal thought and animal Isa according to a feminist reading
Nature, Earth ... What is behind the feminization of non-human reality
Some feminist proposal to reformulate the animal question
- Marco Reggio: Feminism and Vegetarianism in Carol J. Adams: The Sexual Politcs of Meat
The animal and the woman as absent referent
feminist texts and vegetarian
Body and Vegetarianism: a feminist perspective
- Antonella Corabi: Females, animals and liabilities
Women and animals in the usual sense: the liability and the annihilation
Animals and women in the animal rights movement: the annihilation and liabilities
considerations The most common male
- Screening of a short video on feminism and animal question
- Discussion with the audience
The conference will be held at Chiamamilano
Lane Largo dei Servi 11 (Metro Line 1 and 3, stop "Duomo" or San Babila)
How to get Chiamamilano:
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From MM S. Babila, take Corso Europa , turn right at the third tunnel (after St. Charles Gallery)
From MM Duomo, take Corso Vittorio Emanuele, turn right into the gallery next to Galleria del Corso.
Info: 327 32 09085-333 18 41301
abolizionecarne@gmail.com - info@donneanimali.org
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