Thursday, March 10, 2011

Body Waxing In Ottawa For Men

On the wings of the past & I merged Chicken in sparkling wine with onions borettane - Awards

The past

"It 's a curious creature the past
and look him in the face
you can land ecstasy
or despair.
If someone meets the unarmed
soon, the cry, run away!
Those his ammunition rusty
can still kill! "

(Emily Dickinson)


chicken drumsticks sparkling
with onions borettane

4 spindles of chicken, 400 grams of borettane onions, extra virgin olive oil, to taste chives, minced garlic, sage and rosemary, a glass of sparkling wine, salt, black pepper.
Chop garlic, sage and rosemary and sprinkle chicken on time. Arrange the pieces in a saucepan with the onions borettane, add a little 'chives, salt, pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Bake in oven halfway through cooking and add a glass of sparkling wine, allowing it to evaporate! When cooked, Serve the onions and melted borettane along with their delicious sauce!

Bon appétit!



I thank the dear friend Maria Luisa del blog:
for this beautiful Kreativ Blogger

and I thank the dear friend of Valerio's blog:
for these two wonderful
Kreativ Blogger Award and Sunshine

These gifts are available di tutti coloro
che li vorranno prelevare!!!


Mexican Team Uniforms

Inspirations: over the rainbow spring trend

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Christian Religious Quotes For Statuses

"The sky is low" & Doughnuts pineapple-scented cinnamon and vin santo

Il cielo è basso

(di Emily Dickinson)

"Il cielo è basso, le nuvole a mezz'aria,
un fiocco di neve vagabondo
fra scavalcare una tettoia o una viottola
non sa decidersi.
Un vento meschino tutto il giorno si lagna
di come qualcuno l'ha trattato;
la natura, come noi, si lascia talvolta sorprendere
senza il suo diadema."


Ciambelle di ananas
the scent of cinnamon
and vin santo

(For the batter does not are no exact doses)
pineapple slices, milk to taste, water as needed, to taste flour, egg, sugar to taste, to taste cinnamon, baking powder, a glass of vin santo, oil for frying.
Drill a hole in the center of each slice of pineapple, recording with a knife. Prepare a batter consisting of milk, water, flour, egg and sugar, add a glass of vin santo, a pinch of cinnamon and baking powder. Dip in batter and fry the slices of pineapple. Pass them on paper towels and roll in sugar. You can enjoy some delicious donuts from the heart so soft and fragrant tropical fruit!
With this recipe I participate in the contest by Angela

Bon appétit!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Increased Thirst After Dental Implant

J. Sander plastic bag: it's NOT a bag.

Si è espansa a macchia d'olio in pochi giorni tra le blogger europee ed italiane.
E, come tutti i "blogger trend" , è impossibile risalire all'origine del domino di ctrl+c .
No non sto parlando delle slide back shoes, no nemmeno della Celine e no nemmeno dei pantaloni fluo.
Ma del sacchetto della spesa di J.Sandler.
Ma  non chiedetemi chi sia la fonte, la prima blogger ad averla indossata perchè non lo so.

Come non l'ho mai saputo per l' arty ring , le lita e via discorrendo.
Insomma è una vecchia storia un po' come quella dell'uovo e della gallina .
Da perderci la testa.
Però questo sacchetto ( suvvia is not a purse, let's be serious) has awakened my critical-acid batteries.
In supermarkets are starting month (and it was time) to teach the old use of reusable canvas shopping bags for environmental protection.
short plastic bags disappear and are tremendously expensive and unnecessary.
And the blogger to keep up with the times do they do?
You buy a plastic bag signed J. Sander for € 130 .
that someone still.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hens Night Messages What To Write

Spring wish list

tsnunami While the alcohol and the nostalgic flavor nazi-fascist by the name of J. Galliano
(I refer here to the news) is taking the fashion, the mechanism of post new items winter sales has already infected my head.

Someone should have let me know what is dangerous to navigate in e-shop on line at this time.
has awakened in me a childish and infantile mechanism: the wish list.

usually a long list, utopian and certainly made it difficult to practice, especially economic, but still a useful tool for realistic low-cost shopping. Many have called

wishlist, because you know, be a little ' Anglophone , ormai è entrato di diritto, nel bene e nel male, nelle nostre abitudini quotidiane.

E questo è il risultato.

 Da in alto a sinistra:
  • Moschino Ladylike Jacket
  • Tom Ford sunglasses
  • Slide back shoes (Zara o ViaMaestra)
  • Valentino polka dots dress
  • Stipes blazer
  • Arty dots rigs from Ysl

Friday, March 4, 2011

Use Of Morphine Adavan In Hospice

"A ship in dock ..." & The cuttlefish stew - Prize

"A ship in harbor,
surrounded by docks and walls,
has the appearance of a prisoner who meditates on freedom,
with the sadness of a free spirit,
put in check. "

(Joseph Conrad)

Seppia in umido
al profumo di Malvasia

Una grossa seppia fresca e pulita, aceto rosso, un trito di aglio, cipolla, prezzemolo, sale, pepe nero, peperoncino tritato, olio extravergine, 350 gr di passata di pomodoro fatta in casa qb, 1 cucchiaino di salsa Worcester, un bicchiere di Malvasia dell'Alto Adige, brodo vegetale qb.
Blanch the squid in the water with the addition of red wine vinegar, cut into strips about an inch and place in a saucepan with a rich mixture of garlic, onion and parsley and olive oil. Season with salt, black pepper and crushed red pepper and cook by adding the vegetable broth. When cooked, pour a glass of Malvasia Alto Adige and let evaporate, finally, add a teaspoon of Worcester sauce and tomato sauce. Keep on low heat for another few minutes. Complete the dish with slices of toasted bread and garlic. The dish I paired the Alto Adige Malvasia, a wine with a light red with pale salmon color; the fine and delicate and dry and harmonious. Alcohol content: 11.5 percent.

Bon appétit!


I thank the dear friend Ines
the blog for this gift

Un omaggio "self-service" a disposizione di tutti coloro che lo vorranno prelevare!
