17-18 aprile - Nuova mobilitazione!
17-18 April 2010
Day for the Abolition of Meat
mobilization starts again!
After the success of the Second International Day for the Abolition of the flesh of January 31, 2010, which saw the participation of activists in many countries around the world and as many as 22 cities in Italy, the Italian Coordination for the Abolition of Meat promotes another day of action on behalf of animals raised and slaughtered for human consumption.
We believe it is time to openly express the demand for closure of all livestock, not limited to an annual day, but - conversely - by multiplying the national and local initiatives. We believe it is time to make an effort to show the animal suffering as much as possible and let everyone know about a request that needs to start discussing it publicly, without any taboos: eliminate the breeding, hunting and fishing.
We therefore hope to grow the number of cities that the presence of activists and their determination, imagination and vision.
In Milan, in particular, provided a
Historical parade for the abolition of meat
Sunday, April 18 starting at 15 in Piazza Duca d'Aosta (Central Station, MM2-MM3, McDonald's side via Napo Torriani)
will represent the extermination of the animals like we did in January (photo on http://picasaweb.google.it/abolizionecarne), chained and masquerading as animals on farms.
For this reason, it is important that the participation of all activists should focus on Lombardy Milan, favoring a strong impact on the mobilization of passersby and the media.
The following is a preliminary list of participating cities with their contacts (Update)
Milan - garrison parade Sunday, April 18 ore 15 - Piazza Duca d'Aosta (Central Station, MM2 MM3-side McDonald's way Napo Torriani)
Contact: abolizionecarne@gmail.com - 3273209085
Monza - Saturday, April 17, on the occasion of World Day against the flesh, the kind well organized in form of leaflets in the streets of central Monza.
The appointment is at 16.00 under the Arengario. We will continue until about 18:30. Who wants
sderire should contact Alessandra: alexgalb@libero.it (mobile 335-8376756) for changes to the program.
Brescia - April 17, Bishop's garrison in the square with information and screening of the film "Earthlings" from 14 to 20
Contact: elfosilvia@libero.it
Torino - Sunday, April 18 at 15:30 garrison Piazza Castello (Castle side) ang. via
Academy of Sciences Contact: carmagnola08@gmail.com
Alexandria - vegan dinner Saturday, April 10
Contact: info@eticoetica.org
Rovigo - garrison Saturday, April 17 (afternoon)
Contact: venusinfur@hotmail.it
Udine - garrison Sunday, April 18 15:00 Freedom Square (side Contarena)
Contact: galeota.loscavo @ tin.it - \u200b\u200bdereangela@yahoo.it
Trento - Saturday, April 17 from 9.30 to 19 in Via Verdi (near the Duomo)
Contact: loroiv@virgilio.it
Genoa - 15-19 hours garrison April 17, Via XX Settembre, ang. via Ceccardi
Contact: Santa Margherita Ligure vulcanomarino@libero.it
- April 17, at 10-19 - Piazza Caprera
Contact: Association Ayusya - ass.ayusya @ libero.it
Ventimiglia - 17 and April 18 and garrison info desk in via Cavour ang. Via Repubblica
Contact: pulchra@hotmail.it
San Remo - April 18, leafleting
Contact: pulchra@hotmail.it
Bologna - 17 April at 15 square Merchandise
Contact: Simon the vegan simo76sb@libero.it
Parma - 17 or April 18
garrison Contact: info@animalsfreedom.it
Ravenna - to be defined
Contact: Jade beavizzzz@gmail.com
San Marino - April 16 dinner
Contact: presidente@apasrsm.org
Arezzo - date to be decided
Contact: lav.arezzo @ lav.
en Roma (a garrison) - Saturday, April 17th 4:00 p.m. to 20:00 hours Piazza della Repubblica (crossroad Basilica S. Maria degli Angeli)
Contact: @ libero.it mariapia.perticone
Organized by the facebook group "Animals vegetarian and vegans "
Rome (2 presidio) - Sunday, April 18 hours 15 Piazza Navona
Contact: consapevolmente@hotmail.com
Organized by the facebook group" Consciously active "
Pescara - April 17, Corso Umberto (Elephant) 15:30
Contact: @ yahoo.it anna.calamita
Bari - 17 or April 18
garrison Contact: http://pugliavegana.wordpress.com/
Lecce - 17 or April 18
garrison Contact: veganimalisti@gmail.com - cell. 3202181285 - Group Veganimalisti Lecce "on facebook
Olbia - Saturday, April 17 hours 17 Corso Umberto (opposite the library)
Contact: punkrockprincess80@hotmail.it
Palermo - to be defined
Contact: abolizionecarne @ gmail. com
Taranto - Saturday 10 and Sunday, April 11 by 17 alle 21
Via di Palma (tra p.zza M. Immacolata e via Pupino)
Contatto: Stefania Bottiglia stefania.bottiglia@inwind.it – cell. 3283385058
Come organizzare un’iniziativa nella vostra città
E’ possibile organizzare un presidio, un banchetto o anche un semplice volantinaggio.
E’ ovviamente preferibile che venga svolta un’iniziativa capace di attirare attenzione sul tema della sofferenza animale e sulla rivendicazione di abolizione della carne, per esempio effettuando un presidio mascherati, con particolari rappresentazioni, e così via.
Le iniziative organizzate a gennaio possono fornire qualche spunto:
Foto dalle città italiane
Resoconti dalle città e video
Materiali per l’iniziativa (volantini, locandina, questionari da distribuire) :
tali materiali verranno a breve aggiornati con le date di aprile ove necessario.
Chiediamo a tutti i gruppi di distribuire tale materiale relativo alla Giornata per l'Abolizione della Carne, che come sapete è un’iniziativa con contenuti particolari rispetto alle usuali attività informative veg: non cercheremo, infatti, soltanto di “convincere” i singoli a modificare i propri consumi (diventando vegetariani o vegani), ma proveremo soprattutto a dichiarare apertamente la nostra contrarietà al massacro degli animals, calling for the abolition of this practice. 'S why many groups will create principals with symbolic representations of animal suffering and daily carnage (eg. With candles and dressed in mourning, with video projection, forms, etc.)..
We have also produced a questionnaire on the holdings that can be distributed to passers-by and a survey of animal suffering, which we believe to be very useful to get people to reflect on their adherence to a system unacceptable.
E 'possible to organize the initiative on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18, depending on local circumstances (change in peak hours in the center, the presence of activists, etc..), Or on other days in special cases.
Anyone interested in organizing an initiative (from simple flyers to a garrison), receive materials (brochures, etc.). Or information about other initiatives can contact the Italian Coordination at: abolizionecarne@gmail.com
E ' You can request the dispatch of informative material.
will soon be posted on the blog addresses of the first member cities.
What is the Day for the Abolition of Meat?
Day for the Abolition of Meat to the general public wants to promote the political demand for the abolition of the murder of animals for food. Six million di esseri sensibili vengono uccisi nel mondo ogni ora (!) per essere trasformati in carne; senza neanche contare il massacro dei pesci e la sofferenza di vacche e galline ovaiole, recluse, sfruttate ed infine ammazzate in giovanissima età.
Il consumo di carne e prodotti animali causa più sofferenza e morte di ogni altra attività umana, pur non essendo affatto necessario.
Continua sul blog italiano ( appello completo prima giornata 2009 )
Sito del Coordinamento Italiano: http://aboliamolacarne.blogspot.com/ ]
Sito del Coordinamento Internazionale: www.nomoremeat.org
Per info: abolizionecarne@gmail.com
Coordinamento Italiano per l’Abolizione della Carne
infoline 327-3209085
contatto stampa: 347-7241726
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